One can use the Case List widget to display a list of all Related Cases cases on Case Work Details Page that are somehow related to the cases you’re looking for. To achieve this requirement, you can visit for comprehensive solution and it is effective for both ICM 5.2 and 5.3 environments.
Beside this, follow these step by step instructions:
- Add a case list widget to your Work Details page.
- Edit Case List Widget Event Broadcasting and uncheck the select case option. This ensures the case list does not interfere with case information widget.
- Add a Script Adapter widget to the hidden page area and enter the following script (Change _OtherProperty according to your requirement):
var solution = this.solution;
var params = {};
var self = this;var prefix = solution.prefix;
params.ObjectStore = solution.getTargetOS().id;
var custID = payload.workItemEditable.propertiesCollection[prefix+”_OtherProperty”].value;
console.log (“Other Property: “,custID);
var caseObj = payload.workItemEditable.icmWorkItem.caseObject;caseObj.retrieveCachedAttributes(function(caseObject) {
var caseID = caseObject.caseIdentifier;
console.log (“Case ID: “,caseID);var criterion1 = new ecm.model.SearchCriterion({“id”:
prefix+”_OtherProperty”, “name” : “OtherProperty”,”selectedOperator”: “STARTSWITH”, “defaultOperator”:
“STARTSWITH”, “dataType”: “xs:string”});
criterion1.value = custID ;
criterion1.defaultValue = custID ;
criterion1.setValues( [custID]);var criterion2 = new ecm.model.SearchCriterion({“id”:
“cmAcmCaseIdentifier”, “name” : “Title”, “anded”: true,
“selectedOperator”: “NOTEQUAL”, “defaultOperator”:
“NOTEQUAL”, “dataType”: “xs:string”});
criterion2.value = caseID;
criterion2.defaultValue = caseID;
criterion2.setValues( [caseID]);
params.criterions = [criterion1, criterion2];params.CaseType = “”; /* all case types */
params.solution = solution;
var searchPayload = new icm.util.SearchPayload();
searchPayload.getSearchPayload(function(payload) {
self.onBroadcastEvent(“icm.SearchCases”, payload);
- Wire the inbound event of the Script adapter from the Page Container’s send Work Item event.
- Save and close settings, deploy the solution and than open case from In-Basket, On Work DetailsĀ Page Case List widget will display relevant cases.
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