IBM Case Manager (ICM), IBM Content Navigator (ICN)

Unable to Preview Documents in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.6.x

August 17, 2019

As mentioned in last post about document conversion into view-able format problem in IBM Content Navigator 3.0.6. Clearly described, you have to revert it back to ICN 3.0.5.x version because according to ibm filenet compatibility matrix report it does not support IBM Case Manager version yet.

ibm content navigator

Now, ICN fix pack has been released which supports IBM Case Manager fp. But problem persisting and users are unable to preview documents in any of desktop including ICN and ICM.

According to software compatibility report, new release of ICM fix pack also supports ICN and preview bug is resolved in this release for Case Manager.

One more way around that is given in fix pack readme file that:

Document thumbnails or preview

On AIX platform Case Package preview may not function as expected. The following steps can be used as a work around.
Add the following line to the “” file. This file is located at <AppServerDir>/installedApps/<node>/navigator.ear/navigator.war/WEB-INF/
Restart the application server.

I’ve also tried above steps but no luck and still unable to generate thumbnails of documents in any of ICN desktop.


First way to sort out this problem is described here step by step:

Step 1

  1. Download the icnviewing.jar file first. You can get this file inside the navigator extracted package.
  2. Delete old icnviewing.jar file from deployed navigator path (Don’t rename original one just move to somewhere else location).
  3. Copy downloaded file to deployed navigator step 2.
  4. Also copy icnviewing.jar file to navigator deployed path (
  5. /opt/WAS9/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02/installedApps/ICMServerNode02Cell/navigator.ear/navigator.war/WEB-INF/classes/).
  6. Stop ICN JVM WAS, clear WAS cache, and start ICN JVM WAS again.
  7. Try to preview document again in ibm icm desktop again. Problem will be solved, if not post your comment please.

Step 2

There is also second way around to use snowbound viewer and perform following steps:

  • Download SnowboundLicense.jar file if you have their license.
  • Extract files of SnowboundLicense-20.0.0.jar files into WAS where navigator is deployed as described:

Note: Please amend above path according to your deployment.

  • Copy SnowboundLicense.jar:
  • Restart WAS JVM Where ICN is deployed.
  • Open any if IBM Content navigator or IBM Case Manager desktop and try to preview document. Now when you click on document, thumbnail preview will be generated. Secondly, when you will click on preview option by right clicking of any document, preview will be shown properly as described here:

Same problem occurred when i applied IBM ICN 3.0.6 IF 003 as well. Performed the above steps accordingly:

  • Copy icnviewing.jar file to /opt/WAS9/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02/installedApps/ICMServerNode02Cell/navigator.ear/navigator.war/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.
  • Restart WAS.
  • Try to preview documents again, hope so issue will be gone.

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  • Reply Amit B. November 14, 2019 at 10:52 am

    Hi Junaid, this is a good workaround. But did you get any official response from IBM on how to avoid this probem altogether during upgrade. Thanks.

    • Reply Junaid Azam November 25, 2019 at 12:18 pm

      Hi Amit,

      This is known issue and it is recommended way around provided by IBM Tech Support. One more thing, problem was arise in ICN 3.0.6 IF001 for Linux operating system not sure about other operating systems. Furthermore, they also mentioned that in upcoming interim fixes, this problem will not occurred.
      Thank you.

  • Reply Amit March 4, 2020 at 9:59 am

    Hi Junaid,

    I faced the same problem in Windows 2012 R2. Replacing the jar files didn’t work for me. Is there any different process to be followed in windows?

  • Reply Junaid Azam March 10, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Hi Amit,

    But did you try to preview the documents using snowbound viewer? What is the version of ICN? Otherwise, please reproduce the problem and share the systemout.log file. Why you don’t upgrade to ICN version 3.0.7 to Thank you.

  • Reply Laurent April 6, 2020 at 1:44 pm

    which file types are supported for preview?
    We have a Microsoft Visuo document which’s mime type is application/

    We want to see the application/ documents on the preview menu in the IBM Content Navigator. Is there any configuration for preview action?

  • Reply Junaid Azam April 6, 2020 at 6:57 pm

    Hi Laurent,
    First please make sure for all other file formats preview is working. Secondly, please check on daeja viewone pro or virtual about your license type, either it is supported MS extensions or not.
    If not and still unable to preview documents than you should try this please
    Let me know about your results. Thank you.

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