After applying IBM FileNet Workplace xt fix pack; Process Configuration Console (PCC) and Process Administrator (PA) can not be launched properly. These windows got stuck in hanging state and couldn’t proceed further as mentioned below screenshot:
This is caused by an inconsistency in the applet properties file. To resolve this issue, the following file will need to be modified:
For each instance of javaapi.jar on any entry in this file, add a corresponding entry for Jace.jar. For example you may see the following:
# PE Applets Default jar/versions
pe/trusted=pe, pe3pt, psclient, javaapi, wcm, peResources
pe/archive=wcm.jar, wcmResources.jar, pe.jar, psclient.jar, psResources.jar, peResources.jar, pe3pt.jar, javaapi.jar, p8cjares.jar
- Append to the following:
# PE Applets Default jar/versions
pe/trusted=pe, pe3pt, psclient, javaapi, Jace, wcm, peResources
pe/archive=wcm.jar, wcmResources.jar, pe.jar, psclient.jar, psResources.jar, peResources.jar, pe3pt.jar, javaapi.jar, Jace.jar, p8cjares.jar
- Once has been modified, rebuild the EAR file using the tools in the <ROOT>IBM\FileNet\WebClient\deploy directory.
- After rebuilding the ear file, redeploy the application to the Application Server.
- After successfully redeploying the ear file the Java applets should now open successfully using ibm filenet workplace xt.
- Content Platform Engine (CPE) 5.2.x
- WebSphere Application Server (WAS) / 8.5.5.x
- FileNet Workplace XT
Attached is readme.txt file. To download click here.