After upgrading or applying IBM Case Manager V5.3.3-IF001 (, rule(s) deployment fails when you deploy your case management solution. When you deploy your case management solution that contains rules, the deployment will fail, and you might see an error similar to the following logged:
[9/26/18 12:37:14:086 GMT] 000001c5 api E error FNRPA0624E The rules could not be deployed because of the following error: An exception occurred in the event handler.
Message was: FNRPE0029E: [RULE_DEPLOYMENT_RULE_DEFINITION]: For case type SOL_Type1, exception occurred while converting following rule definition(s): TableRule1 FNRPA0624E The rules could not be deployed because of the following error: An exception occurred in the event handler.
Message was: FNRPE0029E: [RULE_DEPLOYMENT_RULE_DEFINITION]: For case type SOL_Type1, exception occurred while converting following rule definition(s): TableRule1
ICM CPE WAS 8.5.5.x
IBM Case Manager 5.3.3 Interim Fix 001 updated the embedded IBM Operational Decision Manager SDK to The updated version introduces classloader issues which now require the ODMMessages.jar file to be placed into the application server classpath on IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine server where the Rules_Operation component runs.
Complete the following steps to copy the required file on your system before you reattempt solution deployment:
- Copy the ODMMessages.jar file from the Case Manager installed home directory (/opt/IBM/CaseManagment/configure/AddOns/ODMMessages.jar) to the following directory where Content Platform Engine is deployed:
- WebSphere – <application server-home>/lib/ext. Where <application server-home> is where WebSphere is installed, e.g. /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ext.
- Weblogic – <java-home>/lib/ext. Where <java-home> is the JRE folder for the JDK that Weblogic is using, e.g. /opt/app/oracle/product/JAVA/jdk/jre/lib/ext.
- Restart the WAS where IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine (CPE) is deployed.
- Redeploy solution again from IBM Case Manager Builder. It will be succeed.
For further details, please visit: